Encore to Concours-Parris Island Drive/Dine - November 15
Time is NOW; for final registration for our Drive & Dine & Tour on Nov 15th at Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) Parris Island. Thanks to member Stephen Woodall for arranging this amazing access to the base - as follows:
9 am Rendezvous at Okatie Parker’s on Route 170 at Rte 278
9:30 Convoy depart Parker’s
10:15 LOMDS check in at Main Gate; then to the MCRD Museum
10:30 Guided tour of MCRD Museum
11:30 Lunch at MCRD “Traditions” Club, on the Beaufort River = $20/pp
1:00 pm Short drive/tour of Charlesfort-Santa Elena Historic Landmark
1:30 Short drive to MCRD PI Marine Corps Exchange - open to club
2:00 Self-guided tour (individually or groups) the remainder of the MCRD base