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  • Lowcountry Oyster & Motorcar Driving Society PO Box 22505 HILTON HEAD ISLAND (map)

We have received a special invitation to visit the famous Brumos Car Collection Museum in Jacksonville, Florida.

Mostly known for decades of legendary winning Brumos Porsche race cars, the Brumos Collection’s new 35,000 square-foot complex displays some of the most historic Porsches in the world. As a bonus, our private guided tour will also include a separate exhibit area of various significant classics from the 1920s, ’30s, and early ‘50s like Duesenberg, Alfa-Romeo, Renault, a collection of Millers and 1970 Gulf-Porsche 917K, to name a few of the special cars.

Enjoy the museum’s walls decorated with large spectacular color images of some of Brumos’ greatest moments, giving the collection an air of a shrine. Learn more at

LOMDS will caravan down together, tour the museum, then enjoy lunch before traveling back home. Immediately following our VIP tour, we will enjoy our group lunch at a well known nearby local restaurant before heading home. (Order off menu, separate checks)

Itinerary for February 25, 2021:

8:00AM Meeting Location: Cracker Barrel, Rt 278/Sun City, rear parking lot
11:30AM Museum Tour at Brumos: 5159 San Pablo Rd. S. Jacksonville, FL
12:45PM Group Lunch
2:00PM Return Home Drive

Don’t miss your unique opportunity to learn about the history and significance of these incredible machines. Register today!

Earlier Event: February 20
Cars & Coffee - Bluffton/Hilton Head
Later Event: March 6
Cars & Cigars