LOMDS Sunset Cruise - October 2nd

Join us for a sunset cruise on the Broad Creek with light meal - limited to 40

2 spots per member - $20/per person

The club will provide light dinner appropriate for boating - wraps, chips, deserts, soft drinks, etc. BYOB

Advance Registration Required

COST= $20 per person

September 26 th - LAST DAY TO REGISTER!!!

Click on the red marker for directions to Tidepointe


LOCATION: Broad Creek Marina - 18 Simmons Rd, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926

ARRIVAL TIME: 5:00 pm, depart 5:30 pm sharp, return by 8:00 pm

Parking: Is at marina lot before you get to the Fish Camp Restaurant - avoid parking in the restaurant lot.

Broad Creek Marina. The GPS address is 18 Simmons Road, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926. Make the first right off Simmons Rd into our free parking lot which says Zipline Parking. Please park in Marina/Tour/Parking area. Park, walk down the wooden dock.