Drive-Tour-Dine - Wednesday, September 15th

Drive - Leave from Bluffton

Tour - Craft Restorations - Tillman, SC

Dine - Roxy’s Restaurant - Ridgeland, NJ

Advance Registration Required

COST= $5 per person for tour - members pay for lunch individually

September 10 th - LAST DAY TO REGISTER!!!

Click on the red marker below for directions to Craft Restorations

799 Cotton Hill Rd, Tillman SC 29943


ARRIVAL TIME: Assemble at the Bluffton Post Office on State Street at 9:30 am

Caravan Departs: 9:45 am sharp to Craft Restorations in Tillman, SC (40 minute drive)

Tech session tour: 10:30 am - wear comfortable clothes and shoes - tour to last ~ 1 hour

Depart for Restaurant: 11:40 am - Roxy’s Restaurant - (15 minute drive)

Arrive at Roxy’s for lunch: 12 noon

Please note - members pay for your own lunch - $5.00 is for the tour only

craft restorations.JPG

Click on the red marker below for Roxy’s Restaurant

11382 N Jacob Smart Blvd, Ridgeland, SC 29936